gardening – Home and Decor Home and decor items, furnitures, vastu and furnishings online Wed, 19 Jun 2019 08:03:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 gardening – Home and Decor 32 32 Tips to maintain and Water Houseplants Thu, 15 Jul 2010 10:00:02 +0000 Every individual likes to have some green plant in their houses. And that’s when the concept of houseplants come in picture as they add beauty to any space even indoors. However, most homeowners make the mistake of over watering their houseplants.

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Tips on watering & maintaining your Container Garden Thu, 15 Jul 2010 09:49:03 +0000 Every home deserves to have some greenery, even if you don’t have a yard or lawn. You can make a garden using pots or containers and have your very own garden container. Its easier to manage because of no grass, less plants and just few things to take care of just like a real garden.

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Control the weeds from entering your yard Thu, 15 Jul 2010 07:45:59 +0000 While we all enjoy the beautiful weather that spring and summer bring, our favorite time of year also brings one of life's biggest annoyances--weeds. Weeds are the unwanted invaders of the yard, popping up among your flower beds and dotting the lawn, undoing hours of hard Work spent perfecting your personal paradise.

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Small tips to improve your indoor garden decor Thu, 15 Jul 2010 07:25:05 +0000 People who lack expertise in selecting a theme for a garden or are busy and do not have time for such activities find gardening a too much of hassle and also difficult to find things to fill it up.

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