Creating a private retreat in your home

Older homes have nooks and crannies built in under the eaves of an attic that are secret private retreats. A closet under a staircase is a great place to hide from the world. But if you’re living in a new home, you’ll have to find your own private retreat.
A private space doesn’t have to be small, but it does have to be furnished with your favorite things. If you long for a spot to curl up with a book, you must have a good reading light, a comfortable chair, and footstool, a lush comforter or throw, and a place to keep your coffee mug or a cup of tea. If your everyday dream is to lounge in a warm, foamy tub, put dimmers on the light fixtures in your bathroom, light loads of candles, and have music at hand.
If you need a place to get away to do what you love, make it happen! Each individual has his or her own thoughts on what a private space should be. Read on to find if you are able to get the right idea to create your own sanctuary.
A Quiet Corner for Reading
If you ask someone what he would like to do with some spare time, undoubtedly, many would answer that they’d like to sit down with a good book, a good drink, and an uninterrupted hour. That shouldn’t be so hard to do, should it? But when is the last time that you had that luxury? You’ll find it so much easier to enjoy such a private time if you have a special place to do it.
Look around your home. Do you have a spare closet or quiet corner of a bedroom or study? Someplace where you won’t be interrupted by a telephone ringing or television broadcasting daily soaps or computer announcing that you have a message.
Be very careful about where you place a comfortable chair. If you must, position it with the back of the chair to the middle of the room so that you can look out a window. Spend some time getting the view just right. You may have to trim the branches of a tree or plant a beautiful window box. But be sure that the view is soothing and not distracting.
Place a small table next to the comfortable chair, one that is just big enough for a book, a cup, and a lamp. Don’t be tempted to put anything else on the table. You don’t want to clutter up with anything or want anything to distract you!
When you have your reading corner just right, close the door, turn off the phone, put on some soothing instrumental music, and read to your heart’s content. And don’t be surprised if you doze off!
If you long for some personal time, away from it all in a private retreat, take some of our ideas and go for it!
Soak In Your Own Private Retreat
Do you always jump in and out of the shower in five minutes? If so, you’re missing out on one of life’s most wonderful, yet most simple, pleasures by relaxing– soaking in a bath.
Plan an hour of pure indulgence. But plan ahead!
To start with creating a relaxing and comforting mood, paying special attention to the lighting in your bathroom. Install a dimmer switch on the overhead fixture or place a small lamp on the counter. If you have space for a chandelier overhead, the shimmer and glitter of small bulbs will create a special atmosphere.
Be sure that you have a radio or stereo close by so that you can lounge with the sound of beautiful music in the background. Don’t put anything loud and distracting, but rather soothing and sensuous.
It’s wonderful to set the mood for a decadent bath with candles arranged around the tub, on the counters, or even in cans on the floor. If you use scented candles, be sure not to mix too many fragrances. Find one you like and concentrate your efforts on one scent. Have a luxurious bubble bath or bath oil ready to pour into the water.
The bubbles will look and feel fun, the oil will make your skin soft, and you may never want to get out! Be sure to invest in some wonderful, thirsty, thick, and hotel-sized towels. When you get out, you’ll be able to wrap yourself up and hold the warmth inside. You might also want to get a luxurious or satin bathrobe.
If your bathroom is big enough, consider putting a lounge chair, chaise lounge, bench, or comfortable chair in the room. You’ll be able to get out of the tub and not have to go anywhere until you really want to.
Remember, it’s all about creating a special space that has everything you love. Your time is your own and you’ll want it to last.
A Private Place for Hobbies
Do you long for time and place to do some writing? If, so, create a place in your home just for that. Whether you write longhand or on a computer, your space should be a haven from outside distractions. If you must share an area of a room, use a divider screen to separate your space from the rest of the room. Have a desk, comfortable chair, good light, and an inspirational view. Be sure there is room to spread everything out. You’ll find that your inspiration will flow freely.
The lost art of letter writing can be resurrected at a lovely writing desk in the corner of a bedroom. With so little written communication except by e-mail these days, very few families will have any record of the lives of loved ones. Generations to follow might enjoy reading of your exploits and adventures. Share them with others through letters, and ask the recipient to save them for you.
Are you a secret artist with no time to pursue your dream? Find a place, large or small, where you can create to your heart’s content. Provide space to set up an easel, arrange your paints, pastels, or pencils so they’re convenient, keep a log nearby to record your daily accomplishments, have good lighting, and be sure that your space has a wonderful, inspiring view. Don’t forget a grand chair to contemplate your work. And don’t even think of taking everything down when you have to get back to the real world! Your private retreat will be there whenever you have time to go back.
A cozy corner is a perfect place to do needlework. Using fabrics as your canvas, create works of art with threads, yarn, or appliqued items. Don’t think that your time spent in such pursuits is time wasted away. You’ll be creating heirlooms for future generations, and the work deserves your undivided attention. Have all the supplies gathered in one place and go back to them whenever you can!
While Away the time If You Can
If you just like to sit back and dream or contemplate, your private retreat should inspire you to do just that. Great ideas have been inspired by private, uninterrupted time away from the bustle of mundane activities. Don’t think that this time is wasted. In fact, you’ll be refreshed and inspired to tackle whatever lies ahead.
In order to have a quiet retreat that feels comforting and personal, you’ll want to collect things that are really special to you. Even the most humble and natural of things becomes a treasure when it is gathered in your special place. In your private escape, you should be surrounded by things that are treasured and speak to your inner self.